Community Directory Listing for Mount Helena Primary School


9573 0000
Lot 289a Keane Street East Mount Helena WA 6082

At Mount Helena Primary School, our purpose is to prepare students for their future success. We are committed to providing a supportive environment in which students can develop to their full potential: the academic, social, physical and creative skills to make a positive contribution in their wider community.

Mount Helena Primary School can be found in the eastern reaches of the Darling Ranges. We have a current student population of 170 students and look forward to welcoming new families to our community.

To support our positive school culture, we have picturesque grounds with an exciting 'nature garden' play area along with a covered frog pond, for our younger students to encourage imaginative play. Junior students also have access to a newly developed sand play area with trucks, sand toys, a digger and the new mud kitchen

Core values

We are guided by four core values;

  • Learning: A positive approach based on the belief that all students have the capacity to learn and deserve opportunities to experience success.

  • Excellence: High expectations of students and staff which challenge all members of the school community to achieve their very best.

  • Equity: Recognition of the differing needs and rights of individuals, through the promotion of an environment which is inclusive, safe and diverse.

  • Care: Relationships are based on trust, mutual respect and the acceptance of responsibility.