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We are fortunate to live in a part of the world that is a biodiversity hot spot, with many opportunities to see many native animals in our parks and backyards.

Native Wildlife  

There are quenda (bandicoots), kangaroos, echidnas, possums, reptiles including bobtail lizards, and many kinds of frogs.  The printable poster below provides information on some of the native fauna.

Native Fauna Species of the Perth Hills (Poster)

You can also use our reptile and frog spotto as a handy reference to keep track of the species you encounter.

What you can do to help protect our native wildlife

There are many ways to be more aware of wildlife and prevent injury and sickness.

For more information, download our brochure Basic First Aid for Wildlife. Keep this in the glove box of your car.

Take care when driving

  • Try to avoid driving when wildlife are the most active e.g. many animals come out to feed at dawn and dusk.
  • When driving at night, be extra vigilant and watch for animals on the verge or road ahead of you (use high beam where it is safe to do so).
  • Slowing down gives you more time to avoid a collision if an animal does jump or run out in front of your car.

Take care if using pesticides and herbicides

  • Some chemicals used to control weeds and pests can be harmful to wildlife. Follow instructions for chemicals very carefully, or look for non-toxic alternatives.
  • If poisons must be used for rodent problems, choose baits containing Warfarin or Coumatetralyl as the active ingredient and place them out of the reach of quenda. They are less likely to cause ‘secondary poisoning’ of pets, owls or other native animals (also dispose of dead pests safely).

Providing assistance in drought and fire

  • Finding food and water can be much worse during drought or after a bushfire.
  • Leaving out water could mean the difference between life and death for many animals.
  • If leaving out water in containers, ensure they will not cause drowning by adding rocks or other objects that allow animals to escape if they fall in. Shallow containers are often the safest.
  • Automatic watering stations are ideal for bigger properties as they self fill with water when levels get too low.
  • Although feeding wildlife is generally not recommended, it may be necessary after a bushfire when food sources have disappeared. Contact the Wildcare Helpline for advice (feeding the wrong food can cause them to become sick or even die).

Important note: It can be dangerous to enter bushland during or after a fire to recover injured wildlife. Check with the Shire of Mundaring or Department of Parks and Wildlife (Perth Hills District) to ensure it is safe to do so.

How to help injured wildlife

Before approaching any injured or sick animal, your first priority is to keep yourself and others safe. Injured wildlife may be frightened and can cause serious injury. Be careful of teeth, claws, beaks and hind legs when approaching or handling injured animals. 

Learning the signs to look for is important in assisting animals that might be injured or sick. Some less obvious signs include:

  • Weakness, bleeding from the nose or mouth, panting or drooling.
  • Wild animals acting ‘docile’ and allowing you to approach them (when they would normally run away). This usually means they are injured or sick (even if you can’t see any visible signs or illness or injury).
  • Nocturnal (active at night) animals out during the day (e.g. possums, bats).
  • Tree dwelling animals on the ground (e.g. bats, baby birds).
  • For nestlings (baby birds with no feathers) found on the ground, if you can find the nest, gently put it back and observe from a distance. If you can’t find the nest or you are not sure if the bird is ill or injured, call the Wildcare Helpline.
  • For fledglings (baby birds with feathers) it is normal behaviour for them to sit or jump along on the ground. It is likely the parents are still feeding it. If it is safe from predators, leave it. If not, gently herd the bird to nearby bushes or shelter and observe from a distance. If the parents do not return or you are unsure if it is ill or injured, call the Wildcare Helpline.
  • Bobtails with a flu-like virus often have weepy eyes, nasal discharge and appear thinner than normal.
  1. Use a towel or small blanket to place over the animal (including the head) before picking it up.
  2. Place animal in a secure, ventilated box of similar size to the animal (cages are not recommended). Lining the box with towels will help keep them warm and secure.
  3. For small animals, contain them as securely as possible to avoid further injury to itself or you. Native animals are easily stressed and should not be handled unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Keep the animal in a well ventilated, warm, quiet, dark place. Native animals are easily stressed by loud noises, domestic animals or children.
  5. Do not give a sick or injured animal food. You can offer tiny amounts of lukewarm water in a bowl if advised by the Wildcare Helpline. If the animal does not want to drink when offered water, it must not be forced to do so.
  6. Delays can be fatal. Call the Wildcare Helpline or a vet as soon as possible.
  1. Use caution when approaching kangaroos as they can cause serious injury with their hind legs.
  2. Remove dead kangaroos or wallabies from the road only if it is safe to do so.
  3. Unfortunately, adult kangaroos cannot usually be rehabilitated and it may be necessary to humanely euthanise them. Shire of Mundaring Rangers should be contacted for assistance - 9290 6666.
  4. If the animal has recently died, the pouch should be checked for young. Gently remove joeys (the pouch may need to be cut open). Do not pull the joey off the teat, cut the teat off as close to the mother as possible and leave it in the joeys mouth (secure the teat to the pillowcase with a safety pin so the joey doesn’t swallow it). Keep joeys warm using body warmth or a warm hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.
  5. Call the Wildcare Helpline or a vet as soon as possible.
  • Do not wrap heat stressed animals in wet towels or submerse them in water. Place them in a ventilated secure container in a cool place and transport them to a vet or wildlife carer as soon as possible.
  • If advised to do so by a vet or carer, you can offer a small amount of cool water in a shallow container for them to lap from (never pour water into an animals mouth, this can cause distress and choking).

Keep pets away from wildlife at all times! Injured or sick native animals may try to mask their illness or injuries and appear otherwise ‘normal’ – this is a survival instinct. Don’t just go by their behaviour if you can’t see other obvious signs of illness or injury. 


Parents may leave their fledglings (feathered babies) while collecting food. Only remove fledglings if you are sure they are injured or abandoned.


Cover animal before using both hands to hold the base of the tail and the scruff of the neck in a strong grip. If joeys are present in the pouch of a dead
possum, do not remove them. 


Cover the animal in a thick towel and use both hands to pick it up on either side of its body and place in a box with a secure lid as they are escape artists. Transport puggles (juveniles) in a pillow case.


Gently grasp behind the neck and gently lift the lizard whilst supporting underneath the body with the other hand.

Quendas/Southern Brown Bandicoots

Cover the animal with a towel and use both hands to pick it up, avoiding grasping the tail.


Bats can carry bacteria and viruses that can infect humans. Always wear puncture proof gloves, long sleeves and protective glasses.


Use a towel to gently pick up a turtle, supporting its head and neck.

The following items are useful for the car and home:

  • Scissors for cutting pouches or teats
  • Flannelette pillowcase for joeys
  • Old jumpers for wrapping animals or lining a box
  • Cardboard box with lid, or washing basket (cut holes in lid for ventilation)
  • Thick towel for placing over an animal to safely pick them up
  • Fluorescent vest for visibility if you are on or near the road
  • Torch or headlamp
  • Thick gloves for handling animals with sharp claws, teeth or beaks.

It can be dangerous to enter bushland after a fire to recover injured wildlife. Check with the Shire of Mundaring or Department of Parks and Wildlife (Perth Hills District) to ensure it is safe to do so.


The Wildcare Helpline can give advice and connect you to the nearest vet or wildlife rehabilitator, wherever you are in WA.

Take note of the exact location you find wildlife as they may need to be released in the same location if possible.


Related pages

Local Native Birds

Wildlife of the Perth Hills Booklet