Report it

Please contact us to:

  • Report damage or flooding
  • Report damage to footpaths


The Shire maintains all drainage infrastructure, except drainage on Great Eastern Highway.

The Shire has an extensive stormwater drainage system consisting of piped and open drains, which is maintained to keep it free of sands, silts, leaves and other debris in order to prevent local flooding.


The Shire is responsible for all footpaths within the verge (be it kerb aligned, boundary aligned or set back from the road edge), through parks and to Shire-owned buildings.

There is a significant footpath network within the Shire, with a variety of surfaces.

Maintenance is carried out to remove potential safety hazards, such as broken concrete panels or overhanging vegetation.

Naturally-occurring hazards (eg. honkey nuts or excessive leaf litter) are part of the natural hills environment which pedestrians should traverse with reasonable caution.

Please assist pedestrians by ensuring that trees or shrubs on your property do not interfere with people having free use of the footpath.

More information and contact

For more information on drainage and footpaths, please contact Infrastructure Services on 9290 6666 or email