There are two cemeteries for public use in the Shire of Mundaring:

Both sites are made up of several burial sections either religious or non-religious. Mundaring Cemetery also has niche walls and a memorial garden for interment of ashes.

For further details, kindly reach out to our Cemeteries Team at (08) 9290 6738 or via email at If you wish to schedule an in-person meeting to discuss your preferences, please call in advance to book an appointment. Appointments are available from Monday to Thursday between 9.00am and 2.00pm.

Burial site availability

Where a family already hold a burial plot a second burial or ashes interment is permitted on approval of application.

No new burial plots are available at Mundaring Cemetery.

Burial plots are available at Wooroloo Cemetery. To apply for a burial plot with a right of burial for 25 years, please complete and submit the form below, with payment.

Application to Purchase Right of Burial - Wooroloo Cemetery (PDF)

Grant of right (to use a specified area of a cemetery for burial)

Grant of Right refers to permission given by a Cemeteries Board (Shire of Mundaring) for the right to use a specified area of a cemetery for burial or ashes placement for 25 years.

An application is to be accompanied by the set fee for burial plot or ashes niche.

To apply for a Grant of Right please contact us on 9290 6738 and we will be happy to explain and help with application forms and guide you through the process.

We really do want to make this delicate subject as easy possible for families.

Application to Purchase Right of Burial - Wooroloo Cemetery (PDF)

Application to purchase Right of Burial in Niche Wall or Memorial Garden (PDF)

The Grant is a legal document and forms part of your estate. Keep it safe and if you have any wishes regarding its disposal, make sure they are included in your will.

Let us know in writing if your address or contact details change, so we can update the Grant of Right register.

Why do we need a Grant of Right?

It gives you the rights over your chosen plot in the cemetery for 25 years which means you are the one who can allow a burial, or placement of ashes. You are the one who may give permission for memorial works to happen or a plaque to be added to a niche.

Does the Grant of Right need to stay current?

No, the Grant is allowed to expire, and may be transferred and renewed at a later date.  Ownership does not have to stay current.  A family member will need to renew a Grant before they can authorise any burials or ashes placements and also any memorial works.

What happens to a Grant of Right after 25 years?

The ownership of the plot will return to Shire of Mundaring when the Grant of Right expires. We will not do anything with that plot.

What if my Grant of Right has expired?

You may renew a grant for a further 25 years from time of application, or another family member may renew it. We would ask them to declare their interest (Statutory Declaration – Expired Grant) in the plot or yourself.

Application for Re-Issue of Expired Grant (PDF)

Statutory Declaration - Expired Grant (PDF)

Can I transfer a Grant of Right to someone else?

Yes you can. This is often something worth considering when estate planning although it is not always necessary. Please call us on 9290 6738 for the correct paperwork.

Placement of ashes

Mundaring Cemetery has a lovely series of stone walls with niches available for placement of ashes.

The older stone walls are all taken and the empty niches you may see there are reservations.

The newer stone walls are all the same size niche, to suit a standard ashes container.

Each niche can accommodate one full size container or if families prefer, they may have multiple smaller containers and even mix ashes of family before they are placed in the niche. The niche must have a current grant holder to allow for ashes placement.

The niche wall plaque is arranged by the family themselves. We will have it fixed on the niche wall once provided to us. Many families will reserve another niche for the future.

Maximum dimensions:

  • Niche container: We ask the container used is to be sealed and labelled. The container is no larger than 300mm deep x 100mm high x 130mm wide.
  • Plaques: Are to be arranged by the family and installed by the Shire. Please note the plaques can be no larger than 150mm wide x 120mm high.

Every family is different in how they wish to place ashes and remember their loved ones. We are here to help you however we may.

When the time comes to have ashes placed, family may choose to be present for their own small ceremony, or they will visit once all is neatly finalised.

We also have a small Memorial Garden at Mundaring Cemetery with spaces available. Again, family arrange for the plaque, and we will work with you to place ashes in the way that suits your family.

To arrange for placement of ashes, please complete the Application for Ashes Interment, pay the set application fee and the variable ashes interment fee depending on whether placement is in a burial plot, niche, or the memorial garden.

Application for Ashes Interment (PDF)

We will discuss with you the specific arrangement you would like for the placement.

Ashes may be placed in a burial plot, and over time, many families will place ashes with other buried family members. There is no limit on the number of ashes that may be placed in this way. A monument does not need to be removed if present.

As with all our options open to families, we are here to help you with any questions, help with paperwork, discuss preferred location and make this process as painless as possible. Call us on 9290 6738 for a chat or arrange a visit to our office.

Fees and Charges

Mundaring and Wooroloo Cemeteries: Fees and charges are payable in advance upon an application for a burial. 

Description  Charge Type GST Inclusive 2023-24 Fee 

Purchase Grant of Right of Burial – Grave plot (valid for 25 years) Wooroloo only

Council No $2,650.00

Purchase Grant of Right of Burial – Niche Wall & Memorial Garden (valid for 25 years)

Council No $1,250.00

Renewal of expired Grant of Right of Burial

Council No $110.00

Transfer of Grant of Right of Burial

Council Yes $220.00

Application fee – funeral burial

Council Yes $220.00

Application fee – placement of ashes

Council Yes $165.00

Application fee – memorial plaque only

Council Yes $165.00

Application fee – monumental works only

Council No $350.00

Funeral Director's Annual Licence (valid until 30 June)

Council No $460.00

Monumental Mason’s Annual Licence (valid until 30 June)

Council No $110.00

Funeral burial fee – Monday to Friday

Council Yes $1,600.00

Funeral burial fee after hours – weekends, public holidays, or staff RDO

Council Yes $2,400.00

Placement of ashes in Niche Wall

Council Yes $350.00

Placement of ashes in grave plot

Council Yes $240.00

Placement of ashes in Memorial Garden

Council Yes $300.00

Placement of memorial plaque only (no ashes)

Council Yes $240.00

Ashes removal from Niche Wall or Memorial Garden

Council Yes $300.00

Funeral bookings

Funerals can be conducted on weekdays from 8am to 1.30pm.

Families will contact their funeral company who will make sure all paperwork, applications and fees are arranged with us, including the grant of right if necessary.

All bookings to hold a funeral must be made by a Funeral Director at least 24 hours prior.

Any burial plot with a monument will require a Monumental Mason to remove it prior to the burial.

Funeral Directors

A Funeral Director, once engaged by a family, will submit an Application for Burial and to Conduct a Funeral to Shire of Mundaring and pay relevant fees and charges.

Funeral directors are required to be licensed, each year, to hold burials in Shire of Mundaring Cemeteries.

Application for Funeral Directors Licence (PDF)

Application for Burial and to Conduct a Funeral (PDF)

Arranging and restoring monuments

Either a family or a Monumental Mason may arrange or restore monuments at Shire of Mundaring Cemeteries.

A Grant of Right must be current so the Grant holder may give authority to a Monumental Mason for the works.

Families will need to submit a written request and a detailed diagram of what they propose to place on the plot. There are no associated fees with this option.

Monumental masons

Monumental masons will need to submit an Application for Monumental Works Permit, include a detailed diagram, specifications and pay the set fee.

Application for Monumental Works Permit (PDF)

Monumental Masons are required to be licensed, each year, with Shire of Mundaring. 

Application for Monumental Mason’s Licence (PDF)

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