Latest News


Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Mundaring, at its Ordinary Council Meeting held on the 9 July 2024, resolved to advertise a draft Heritage Requirements for Planning Proposals Local Planning Policy for public comment.


Public Notice: Special Meeting of Council

A Special Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 31 July 2024.


Shire of Mundaring unveils landmark Heritage Strategy

Shire of Mundaring has taken a significant step towards preserving its rich cultural heritage with the unanimous adoption of its first Heritage Strategy at the July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting

What's On

Computer One-to-One Help at Boya Library

For help in using your computer or mobile device and learning more about going online.

Discover Our Shire

Discover Lake Leschenaultia

Lake Leschenaultia is well known for its canoeing, swimming, cycling and barbeque facilities. Find out more about this popular getaway.

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Let's go FOGO

Learn about the FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) system coming to the shire!

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Mundaring Multi-purpose Community Facility (MPCF)

The Shire of Mundaring aims to rejuvenate the Mundaring Town Centre by developing a Cultural Precinct, central to which is a new Multi-Purpose Community Facility (MPCF) that consolidates various civic and community amenities.

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