Community Directory Listing for WA Naturalists' Club - Darling Range Branch

Conservation and Environment

0477 466 238
0436 448 647
PO Box 348 KALAMUNDA WA 6926

Additional Information

"We hold meetings, excursions and courses to help you appreciate, learn about and enjoy nature in the Perth Hills. We are the one-stop shop for natural history, with experts and talks covering birds, flowers, fungi, geology, insects, trees, reptiles, mammals, nature photography, and more in the Perth Hills. We aim to inspire others in a love of natural history and to help people understand and learn more about it. Our members come from, and our excursions cover, many of the areas of the Darling Scarp including Darlington, Glen Forrest, Gooseberry Hill, Helena Valley, Hovea, Kalamunda, Lesmurdie, Mundaring, Parkerville, Roleystone, Sawyers Valley, Swan View, Stoneville, and more. Excursions differ in the levels of physical fitness required: some are very easy for people with limited physical ability and others are more strenuous."