Shire of Mundaring is developing a new Youth Strategy in partnership with the Youth Affairs Council of WA (YACWA).

About the strategy

Through the Youth Informing Strategy, the Shire of Mundaring seeks to support young people and youth development services and organisations.

The development and implementation of this strategy demonstrates the Shire of Mundaring’s commitment to young people and to working in partnership with local schools and service providers to foster a collaborative approach to youth service provision.

This strategy has been developed in consultation with almost 500 community members and service providers. Consultation with young people focused on exploring their values, ideas and concerns.

Why we are developing a Youth Strategy

The aim of this Strategy is to better understand what is important to young people and identify what we need to do to make the communities they live, work and play, the best places possible over the next few years. We will be talking with:

* Young people aged 12 to 25 who live, work, study, volunteer visit/use groups and services in the Shire

* Parents and caregivers of young people

* Groups and organisations (including businesses) that work with or have a connection to young people

* Shire staff and elected members

How you can get involved in the Youth Strategy

Participate in our survey for a chance to win an EFTPOS Voucher 

Shire of Mundaring is writing a new Youth Informing Strategy that outlines what we want to achieve for young people over the next few years and how we are going to achieve that.

Parents and Caregivers

If you are a parent or caregiver of a young person aged 12 to 25, we want to hear from you via a short survey. It’ll take about 10 minutes and you will go in the draw to win an $50 EFTPOS gift card. To have your say visit the Parent and Caregiver Survey. 

Young people aged 12 to 25

If you are a young person aged 12 to 25 who lives, studies, works, volunteers, or uses groups and services in the Shire of Mundaring, then we want to hear from you via a survey.
It’ll take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete and you will go in the draw to win an EFTPOS gift card. To complete the survey visit the Youth Survey page. 
Surveys close midnight Monday 29 January. 

Young people

Peer researchers

A number of young people within the shire have been trained to be peer researchers in their local community. The Shire understands that young people are more likely to share their views with other young people so the Peer Researcher will help the Shire understand the issues that are important to young people. Six young people aged 16 to 25, who live, work, study, or visit/use groups and services in the shire have been selected to be peer researchers. The Peer Researcher will be conducting interviews and sharing the surveys with their peers.


The survey will be for young people aged 12 to 25 who live, study, work, volunteer or spend time in the shire. 

Youth workshops

There will be several youth workshops held with schools or organisations in the shire. These workshops are in the process of being conducted and will run from December to February 2024.

Young changemaker workshop

In February we will hold a Young Changemaker workshop where young people who are interested in advocacy can learn the skills of ‘making’ change’ through a practical workshop, that also leads to working on specifics actions and solutions for the Youth Strategy. More information about this will be distributed closer to the time.

Parents and caregivers

Parents and caregivers of young people aged 12 to 25 in the Shire will have an opportunity to have their say on current service provision and ideas about opportunities for the future via a parent and caregiver survey.

Organisations and businesses

One on one interviews

We will be holding one on one interviews via phone and via video conference from October to December 2023. These interviews are designed for any individual, group, organisation or business that connects with young people including youth services, community services, recreation services, faith groups, schools and other education providers and businesses.


In February 2024 we will hold a workshop with organisations and businesses to look at the consultation data and have a big picture look at the systems at play in the Shire (and beyond). We will explore how the Shire’s Youth Strategy can value add and piggyback off initiatives to ensure that it is a connected and embedded piece of work.


From November 2023 through to January 2024 we will be rolling out a postcard campaign where we ask for everyone in the community to share one wish or big idea they have for young people in the Shire. Look out for these postcards through your local Shire services. 

 More information and contact

The Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) is running the Youth Strategy development with the Shire of Mundaring. If you have any questions, please contact Lianda Gibson on 9227 5440 or email

If you want to speak with someone at the Shire about this, please contact Annalise Pengelly, Project Officer – Community Engagement on 9209 6790 or

Youth services model 

In response to consultation with young people and community feedback, this strategy contains a new youth services model for Shire of Mundaring.

The model aims to:

  • Improve access to youth services, particularly in areas closer to Mundaring and in the Outer Eastern Region
  • Build resilience in and empower young people
  • Foster young people’s social connectedness and sense of belonging
  • Encourage young people to be physically and mentally healthy
  • Increase skills development and learning opportunities
  • Strengthen local youth service provider networks

Work in partnership with other youth service providers and youth based organisations.

Download the current Youth Informing Strategy to find out more.