About biodiversity

Biodiversity means the natural variety of living things, including plants, animals, and fungi. The Shire of Mundaring is in a global biodiversity hotspot and our residents have lots of options to enjoy connecting with nature.

There are wildflowers and native animals in our national parks, local walk trails, nature reserves, and bushland on private property.  Find out more about our walking and cycling tails and Lake Leschenaultia.

Different areas or ecosystems will naturally contain a range of species that rely on each other.  Even once the landscape has been changed by people and development, biodiversity can be maintained if there are enough connections between natural areas.

Improving backyard biodiversity

Shire staff worked with local filmmakers Simon Cherriman and Isaac Walton to make a 5-minute video to showcase ways to improve backyard biodiversity.

You will find there are lots of options to put out water for wildlife or provide small areas of habitat in your garden. We hope you enjoy it and find something to try to support our native animals at your place. 

If viewing this video with children, please talk about watching native animals without disturbing them, and asking before borrowing tools. 

Nest boxes

Information on nest boxes is available in Simon Cherriman's Guide to Nest Box Sizes and Instructions and on the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions website.

Please note: Nest boxes bought online from the eastern states or overseas may not suit our local animals.

Learning about native animals

You can learn more about native animals from the following websites:

More information and contact

For more information, please contact the Shire’s Environmental Team on (08) 9290 6651 or email shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au.

See also: