Celebrating Community Registration Form

Celebrating Community Registration Form

Would you like to showcase your group’s activities and achievements at the Shire of Mundaring’s annual Celebrating Community Sundowner event? This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate your contribution to the local community, meet and network with other local clubs and groups, Councillors and Shire Staff. Register your details below and up to 3 of your group members will be invited to attend the sundowner, to be held on Monday 4 December 2023 at Boya Community Centre.

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You have the ability to save this form and complete it at a later date. An email will be generated and sent to the specified address.

Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 2 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

To showcase your group’s work, achievements and contribution to the community, tell us your:

Attach a maximum of 3 documents that showcase your activities e.g. Photo of volunteers
undertaking an activity, promotional material for your group or its activities, a short blurb or story.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx

Registrations close Friday 29 September 2023.

If you have any questions contact the Community Capacity Building Officer on
9290 6678 or email ccbo@mundaring.wa.gov.au

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