Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No.4

The Local Planning Strategy sets out the long-term planning directions for the Shire and guides land use planning over the next ten to fifteen years. The Local Planning Strategy outlines and applies a wide range of relevant State, regional and local planning policies and strategies, and provides the rationale for the land use and development controls in Local Planning Scheme No. 4.

The Local Planning Scheme sets out the way land is to be used and developed, classifies areas for land use and includes provisions to coordinate infrastructure and development within the local government area.

Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme

Other Planning Strategies

Watercourse Hierarchy Strategy

The Watercourse Hierarchy Strategy defines the key issues and threats facing the management of watercourses in the Shire and recommends corresponding strategic, planning based and operational actions.

Watercourse Hierarchy Strategy (PDF)

Local Commercial Strategy

The Local Commercial Strategy is intended to inform future updates of the Local Planning Strategy, as well as various plans and strategies relating to specific activity centres, commercial areas and identified urban growth areas. 

Mundaring Town Masterplan

The Mundaring Masterplan is an aspirational strategic document to guide the revitalisation of the Mundaring Town Centre.

Mundaring Town Initiative Masterplan (PDF)

Foothills Growth Strategy

The Foothills Growth Strategy sets out the Shire's expectations in regard to accommodating future urban growth for parts of Helena Valley and Bellevue.

Foothills Growth Strategy (PDF)

Heritage Strategy

The Heritage Strategy sets the future direction for heritage management and coordinate interpretation initiatives across the Shire (Understanding, Protecting, Sustaining, Celebrating).

Heritage Strategy 2024 - 2029

Mundaring Activity Centre Plan

The Mundaring Activity Centre Plan provides planning rules to ensure harmonious public and private investment to shape the Mundaring Town Centre.

Proponents, developers and landowners are encouraged to contact the Shire's Planning Service on (08) 9290 6740 to discuss any aspirations or proposals for a site within the town centre.

Mundaring Activity Centre Plan (PDF)

Precinct Plans

Precinct Plans establish specific planning and design controls within certain precincts. 

Access the Shire's Precinct Plans below:

Chidlow Precinct Plan (PDF)

Darlington Village Precinct Plan (PDF)

Glen Forrest Precinct Plan (PDF)

Mount Helena Precinct Plan (PDF)

Parkerville Precinct Plan (PDF)

Local Planning Policies 

Local planning policies set out specific rules for particular development types and are used by the Shire in assessing and making decisions on planning applications.  The Shire's current Local Planning Policies can be viewed here:

Policies » Shire of Mundaring

Structure Plans

Structure plans plan for the coordination of future subdivision and zoning of an area of land and may be prepared if the area is:

  • All or part of a zone identified in this Scheme as an area suitable for urban or industrial development
  • Identified in this Scheme as an area requiring a structure plan to be prepared before any future subdivision or development is undertaken
  • A State planning policy requires a structure plan to be prepared for the area
  • The WA Planning Commission considers that a structure plan for the area is required for the purposes of orderly and proper planning.

The Shire's Structure Plans are available on the WA Planning Commission website.

Structure Plans

Local Development Plans

A local development plan is a mechanism used to coordinate and assist in achieving better built form outcomes by linking lot design to future development.

It can facilitate the design and coordination of development upon small and highly constrained lots, and supplement development standards contained within local planning schemes and the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes).

At the local government’s discretion, a local development plan can also streamline the development approval process, with compliant development exempt from the requirement to obtain development approval.

Access the Shire's Local Development Plans below.

LDP No. 1 - 3 (Lot 43) and 5 (Lot 44) Salisbury Road, Midvale (PDF)

LDP No. 2 - Formerly Lot 9500 Helena Valley Road, Helena Valley (PDF)

LDP No. 3 - Robinson Grove Bellevue - 500 Katharine Street Bellevue

LDP No. 4 - 7 (Lot 20) Hardey Road, Glen Forrest (PDF)

LDP No. 5 - Lot 1 Balfour Road, Swan View (PDF)

LDP No. 6 - 480 (Lot 252) Helena Valley Road, Helena Valley (PDF)

LDP No. 7 - 650 (Lot 9500) Helena Valley Road, Helena Valley (PDF)

LDP No. 8 - Lots 2 & 3 Helena Valley Road, Helena Valley (PDF)

LDP No. 9 – 215 (Lot 1) Katharine Street, Bellevue (PDF)

Bushfire Area Access Strategy

The aim of the Shire’s Bushfire Area Access Strategy (BAAS) is to establish a framework to systemically rectify areas that do not provide two alternative routes for residents to evacuate in a bushfire emergency. 

Bushfire Area Access Strategy (PDF)

More information and contact

For more information contact Planning Services on (08) 9290 6740 or email shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au

See also:

Maps (Intramaps) and Zoning