What are considered to be transportable structures?

Transportable structures include, but are not limited to, sea containers, decommissioned railway carriages and transportable buildings.

In what zoning can transportable structures be considered?

In accordance with Local Planning Scheme No.4 (LPS4), with the exception of sea containers, transportable structures can be considered on all zoned properties within the Shire subject to obtaining planning approval prior to placing on site.

Sea containers are not permitted on Residential zoned properties, however, are able to be considered in other zonings subject to obtaining planning approval prior to placing on site

Check the zoning of a property in our online maps

What requirements apply to transportable structures within the Shire of Mundaring?

Where applicable, depending on whether the structure will be used for non-habitable or habitable purposes, it shall comply with LPS4, Building Code of Australia, Health Act 1911 and the State and local planning policy requirements.

Residential and Rural Zonings

If a building or a fully enclosed structure is considered by the Shire to be self-contained, it must not result in the number of dwellings exceeding what the property’s zoning/coding allows for under the Residential Design Codes or LPS4.

In accordance with LPS4, any approval granted for the placement of a sea container on a lot zoned Rural Residential shall be limited to a specific period of time, such time not exceeding 12 months.

Consideration may be given to a sea container remaining on a lot zoned Rural Residential for more than 12 months subject to obtaining planning approval and:

  • complying with LPS4, the Building Code of Australia, Health Act 1911 and the applicable State and local planning policies;
  • having its external appearance upgraded. This includes, as a minimum:
    i. the building having a pitched roof; and
    ii. cladding being affixed to all of its sides; and
    iii. the external colour blending with the surroundings;
  • being located behind the dwelling on the property;
  • being permanently fixed to the ground by engineer certified footings; and
  • having any other upgrades made to it which the Shire considers to be necessary so that its appearance does not have a significant impact on the area’s character and the local amenity.

A sea container(s) can be considered as part of the construction material of a proposed dwelling subject to:

  • not being the dominant material/feature of the dwelling’s external appearance in the Shire’s opinion; and
  • its external walls being cladded so as to blend with the remainder of the development; and
  • complying with the LPS4, Building Code of Australia, Health Act 1911 and the State and local planning policy requirements which apply to (dependent on what is being proposed) a single dwelling or an ancillary dwelling; and
  • any other upgrades being made which the Shire considers to be necessary so that their appearance does not have a significant impact on the area’s character and the local amenity; and
  • if at ground level, is permanently fixed to the ground by engineer certified footings.

Unless to be used as part of the construction material of a proposed dwelling, the Shire will generally only support a maximum of one sea container on site.

Town Centre, Local Centre, Service Commercial and Light Industry Zonings

No transportable structure shall be placed on a vacant lot unless it shall be used in conjunction with an authorised land use on the site where it will be placed.

The transportable structure is not to be located within any car parking area, (un)loading area, vehicle access way, or landscaped areas. In addition, it is not to obstruct pedestrian access through the site.

The transportable structure may only be stored at ground level and may not be stacked one on top of the other, unless otherwise approved by the Shire.

The transportable structure must be screened to the Shire’s satisfaction and be located behind the street setback area(s).

Transportable structures shall not be used for any habitable purposes, unless proposed to be used as a caretaker’s dwelling, and the property’s LPS4 zoning allows for a caretaker’s dwelling to be considered.

Unless it can be demonstrated that all of the above requirements will be satisfied, the Shire will generally only support a maximum of one sea container on site.

What matters are considered by the Shire when determining a Planning application for a transportable structure?

When considering the proposed location, scale, use and appearance of a transportable structure the Shire shall have regard to:

  • the zoning objectives under LPS4;
  • the area’s existing and desired future character of the locality where it is proposed;
  • whether the property has any cultural heritage significance;
  • the location of any significant vegetation and watercourses;
  • whether a building envelope exists on site;
  • the location of any effluent disposal system;
  • any adopted State and local planning policy; and
  • any other matters which the Shire considers to be relevant.

    What Information needs to be provided with a Planning application?

    A development application for a transportable structure must be accompanied by, as a minimum:

    • A completed Planning application form.
    • Current Certificate of Title.
    • Planning application fee.
    • A site plan showing the proposed location and setbacks of the transportable structure from the nearest lot boundaries, significant trees, effluent disposal system, driveway, other buildings on the site, and (if applicable) watercourse.
    • Elevations showing the external appearance (e.g. colours, materials and any upgrades proposed), the dimensions of the transportable structure.
    • Written confirmation of the intended purpose/use of the transportable structure.
    • If to be used for habitable purposes, a simple construction plan outlining:
      1. the timeframe to complete all exterior treatments (upgrades) nominated in the application; and
      2. details regarding where the transportable structure will be kept on site, and how it will be adequately screened from public view, during the construction phase.
    • If to be located within a Bushfire Prone Area and located within 6 metres of an existing habitable building, a Bushfire Attack Level Assessment and a Bushfire Management Statement in accordance with State Planning Policy 3.7.
    • If to be located on or adjacent to a property which is on the State Heritage Register and/or the Shire’s Heritage List, a heritage impact statement prepared in accordance with the Heritage Council of Western Australia’s requirements.

    Please contact the Shire’s Planning department on (08) 9290 6740 or via shire@mundaring.wa.gov.au