Request an Event

If you would like an event added to our calendar, please fill in the form below.

You will also be asked to acknowledge the following terms and conditions:

Terms and conditions

There are a number of events and activities delivered across the Shire of Mundaring by community and not for profit organisations. If you would like to promote your activity via the Shire’s events calendar please complete the form below.  Before submitting your application please ensure your activity meets the following criteria:

  • The event/activity is being held within the Shire of Mundaring
  • The event/activity is being run by a not for profit community group or an organisation in receipt of Shire funding
  • The event/activity is inclusive of all members of the community
  • The event/activity to be promoted contributes to the cultural, social, environmental, educational and/or recreational interests of the Shire of Mundaring community
  • All relevant Shire events approvals have been sought
  • The event is apolitical.

 Shire of Mundaring will review your submission and reserves the right to determine which events/activities will be displayed.

 Event Details

 Event Organiser Details
 Event Details