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What is the Seedlings for Landcare Program?
The Seedlings for Landcare Program provides approximately 20,000 free native seedlings for planting on rural-zoned private properties, school grounds and bushland reserves in the Shire of Mundaring.
The aim of the program is to restore local bushland, creeklines and wildlife corridors to improve habitat for native animals.
Who can receive seedlings?
- Mundaring residents and ratepayers who own or live on a rural-zoned property greater than 4000sqm;
- Schools, registered Friends Groups and Catchment Groups undertaking revegetation projects on school grounds or in local bushland reserves.
If you are not sure if your property is zoned rural, select the Town Planning page to search for your address on the Shire’s GeoHub Maps system.
How to use GeoHub Maps?
- Click the GeoHub Maps link, then Town Planning tab
- Type in your property address in the search bar
- Select your address from the search result list
- Select the property in the map to view zoning details.
Alternatively contact the Shire and ask for assistance to check your zoning.
Please note: Residential zoned properties are not eligible to receive seedlings.
Eligible activities
- Revegetation of wetlands and creeklines to improve wildlife habitat, water quality and reduce erosion;
- Revegetation of degraded land to create wildlife corridors linking patches of remnant bushland;
- Revegetation of bushland to improve wildlife habitat and reduce weed invasion and erosion.
Priority will be given to Expressions of Interest that improve the health of rural creeklines.
Is an Expression of Interest the same as a seedlings order?
No. An Expression of Interest for seedlings simply provides an indication of the type and quantity of seedlings you would like to receive.
How many seedlings can I receive?
Seedling allocations are dependent on the number of Expressions of Interest received and the nurseries’ ability to supply the seedlings requested.
- Residents on rural zoned properties between 4000sqm and 2ha can receive up to 50 seedlings
- Residents on rural zoned properties greater than 2ha can receive up to 100 seedlings
- Schools, registered Friends Groups and Catchment Groups can receive up to 200 seedlings.
How do I submit an Expression of Interest?
Expressions of Interest for the 2025 program are currently open and will close on Friday 27 September 2024 at 4:00pm.
Use the following Online Submission Form to express your interest in participating in this year's program.
When will I be notified of the outcome of my Expression of Interest?
Successful applicants will be notified via email of their anticipated seedling allocation and collection date by mid-May 2025.
Will I receive the exact type and quantity of seedlings requested?
The Shire cannot guarantee the supply of seedlings requested in your Expression of Interest. Seedling supply is influenced by the number of Expressions of Interest received and the nurseries’ ability to supply the seedlings requested. Often nurseries encounter growing issues, resulting in substitute species being supplied instead. These substitutions can occur right up until the collection weekend, making it difficult for the Shire to communicate these substitutions to you. The Shire aims to offer you a seedling allocation reflective of your Expression of Interest, whilst managing the constraints and variables of this program.
When can I collect my seedling allocation and where is the collection point?
The collection weekend for the 2025 program will be Saturday 24 May and Sunday 25 May. You will be allocated one of these days to collect your seedling allocation. The collection point is the Shire’s Operations Centre, at the corner of Halifax Place and Wandeara Crescent, Mundaring. Seedlings will not be available for collection after this collection weekend.
More information and contact
For more information, please contact the Shire’s Community Landcare Officer on 9290 6774 or email
Links and further information
The following publications and links will assist you with planning a revegetation or Landcare project, including identifying weeds to remove, the local native plants to re-introduce as well as preventing and managing dieback disease.
Landcare and Photo-Monitoring (PDF)
Darlington and Surrounds Local Flora and Bushlands (PDF)
Plants out of Place (Weeds) (PDF)
12 Tips for Successful Revegetation (PDF)
Landscaping and Revegetation Guidelines (PDF)
Revegetation Techniques Guidelines
Join the Landcare Movement
The Shire of Mundaring Environmental Officer, Tracey Bell, explains how individuals and communities can come together to help protect and restore our precious landscapes through landcare.