Addition to 2022/2023 Fees And Charges - Mt Helena Swim Club Passes (Closed)

In accordance with Section 6.19 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is hereby given that at its meeting of 19 September 2022, Council adopted the following fees and charges for Mt Helena Swim Club Passes, with effect from Monday 10 October 2022.


(S - Statute)

(C - Council)

(F - Framed)

GST Applicable (Y - Yes / N - No) 2022/23 Incl. GST (if applicable)
Mt Helena Swim Club Passes
Pathway pass (per month) C Y 30.00
Squad pass (per month) C Y 40.00
Supporter pass (seasonal) C n/a Free
New member vouchers (2 swims) C n/a Free
Mt Helena Swim Club lane hire C n/a Free