Update - SP 34 State Administrative Tribunal (Closed)

 The State Administrative Tribunal has advised the following in regard the appeal for SP 34

  • By 31 January 2023 the applicant is to provide to the WAPC an amended structure plan (including Parts One and Two, and all technical appendices) and any supporting information
  • Pursuant to s 31(1) of the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 (WA) the WAPC is invited to reconsider its decision on or before 30 June 2023.
  • By 10 July 2023 the WAPC must file with the Tribunal and give to the applicant a statement of its decision upon reconsideration.
  • By 24 July 2023 the applicant must notify the Tribunal and the WAPC in writing that either:
  1. a) It is content with the reconsidered decision, and wishes to withdraw the proceeding; or
    b) It is not content with the reconsideration decision, and provide a statement with brief contentions addressing each aspect of the decision it is not content with.

The Shire is currently seeking advice as to what role it has in the process, we will keep you updated as further information is received.