Residential Properties

Description  Charge Type GST Inclusive 2024-25 Fee
Bin Establishment Fee (per MGM bin) Council No $72.50
Standard residential property charge (with bin collection service) Council No $495.00
Standard residential multi-unit property
charge (shared bins)
Council No $420.00

Commercial Properties

Description  Charge Type GST Inclusive 2024-25 Fee
Weekly general waste collection
(where serviceable with street bins)
Council No $250.00
Fortnightly recycling collection Council No $86.00
Transfer station pass Council No  $185.00
Weekly FOGO collection Council No  $110.00
Fortnightly general waste collection Council No  $195.00
Weekly bulk bin general waste (660L) Council No  $1300.00
Additional bulk bin lifts (660L) Council No  $1,150.00

Non-rateable properties

Description  Charge Type GST Inclusive 2024-25 Fee
FOGO and General Waste collection Council No $320.00
Fortnightly recycling collection  Council No $86.00
Transfer Station Pass Council No $185.00

Additional Services (all properties)

Description Charge Type GST Inclusive 2024-25 Fee
Additional general waste bin Council No $110.00
Additional recycling bin Council No $65.00
Additional FOGO bin Council No $90.00
Special events bin (per bin) Council Yes $22.00

Transfer Station Services

Description Charge Type GST Inclusive 2024-25 Fee

Additional waste entry (ticket)

Council Yes $70.00

No pass (car or trailer)

Council Yes $100.00

Waste entry permit (per visit) for community group clean-up days

Council Yes $30.00

Transfer station pass (property with no bin service)

Council Yes $160.00

Transfer station entry ticket (residential property with no bin service)

Council Yes $5.00

Car tyres (max 5)

Council Yes $10.00

Car tyres on the rim

Council Yes $15.00

Light truck tyres

Council Yes $30.00

Light truck tyres on the rim

Council Yes $25.00


Description  Charge Type GST Inclusive 2024-25 Fee
Water Supply for schools from Swan
View Artesian Bore (per kilolitre)
Council No $0.82
Chidlow Standpipe
Water access and usage fee