About the group

The Shire of Mundaring's Youth Advisory Group, known as The Youth C.R.E.W. is for young people aged 12 - 18 years old who have an interest in being a voice for young people in the community.

The purpose of the Group is to:

  • Represent the opinions and aspirations of young people at a local government level and advocate on their behalf
  • Provide a means of communication and collaboration between young people and their families, community organisations focused on or wanting to engage with young people, the Shire and Council
  • Work with the community to encourage and create youth participation and engagement opportunities
  • Through Shire employees provide advice and recommendations to Council on issues affecting young people in the Shire of Mundaring
  • Raise awareness and share information about the Shire of Mundaring's Youth Engagement Partnership Fund and the activities it supports
  • Assess applications to the Shire of Mundaring's Youth Engagement Partnerships Fund and through Shire employees, make recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer or Council.

Youth Crew on Instagram

Group membership

The Youth C.R.E.W. are currently seeking new members. If you are interested in being part of the team contact the Shire on (08) 9290 6790 or email cefy@mundaring.wa.gov.au.

View the terms of reference below for membership details.

​Terms of reference


The interim name of the group is the Shire of Mundaring Youth Advisory Group. The Group may elect to change its name once established.


  • “Group” means the Youth Advisory Group.
  • “Council” means the Council of the Shire of Mundaring.
  • “Shire” means the Shire of Mundaring.


The purpose of the Group is to:

  • Represent the opinions and aspirations of young people at a local government level and advocate on their behalf
  • Provide a means of communication and collaboration between young people and their families, community organisations focused on or wanting to engage with young people, the Shire and Council
  • Work with the community to encourage and create youth participation and engagement opportunities
  • Through Shire employees provide advice and recommendations to Council on issues affecting young people in the Shire of Mundaring
  • Raise awareness and share information about the Shire of Mundaring’s Youth Engagement Partnerships Fund and the activities it supports
  • Assess applications to the Shire of Mundaring’s Youth Engagement Partnerships Fund and through Shire employees, make recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer or Council.


  • Membership to the Group is open to young people aged 12-18 years old who live in the Shire of Mundaring, attend an educational institution in the Shire of Mundaring, work in the Shire of Mundaring or participate in a Mundaring based organisation.
  • Membership is by the initial attendance of one Group meeting and then the completion of a volunteer agreement form made available by the Shire of Mundaring. 
  • Membership is ongoing with an annual review in February. The annual review will occur at the same time for all members regardless of the date of acquiring membership.
  • Membership shall include 1 Shire of Mundaring Councillor.
  • The Group will be restricted to up to 15 members who are required to uphold the purpose of the group and provide impartial advice.
  • Members may seek a leave of absence for periods extending beyond two meetings.

Management of business

  • The Group shall elect its own Chair and determine its own procedures.
  • The Group shall meet monthly or at other times as determined by the Group.
  • The Group may invite other persons to attend any meeting, including Councillors, but such persons shall not be entitled to vote on any decision arising out of that meeting.
  • A formal mechanism for communicating with Council is to be determined by the Group.
  • The Shire will provide administrative and executive support to facilitate the effective functioning of the Group.
  • A record of proceedings shall be prepared for each meeting and distributed to all group members within five working days after each meeting. The document shall be filed in the Shire’s record management system.
  • New members will be appointed by the Shire in line with membership criteria and the purpose of the Group.
  • Voting requirement will be by simple majority.


The Group may amend these Terms of Reference from time to time.

More information and contact

For more information, please contact the Shire on (08) 9290 6790 or email cefy@mundaring.wa.gov.au.