Annual Electors' Meetings provide an opportunity for residents and ratepayers to learn about the performance and achievements of Council operations during the past financial year, ask questions and move a motion.

Special Electors' Meetings may be held when requested by residents and ratepayers (at least 300 electors) on a specific matter. More details specific to Special Electors' meetings are included in the Electors' Meetings Information Sheet.

The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 prescribes the procedures to be followed at electors’ meetings are to be determined by the person presiding over the meeting, generally the Shire President. Guidelines, as included in the Electors' Meeting Information Sheet and the use of the Electors' Meetings Questions and Motions Form, has been approved by the Shire President for electors’ meetings (both Annual General Electors’ Meetings and Special Electors’ Meetings).

Electors' Meetings Information Sheet 

Electors' Meetings Questions and Motions Form 

Information on previous electors' meetings decisions, follow up actions including their consideration and follow up Council and their status is available Electors' Meetings Decisions and Actions Register below.

Electors' Meetings Decisions and Actions Register 

Information below is also included in the Elector's Meeting Information Sheet.

Who can attend Electors meetings?

All members of the general public are able to attend an electors’ meetings.

Attendees must be verified as an elector by Shire Officers upon arrival in order to be able to:

  1. ask a question, and/or;
  2. move/second a motion, and/or;
  3. vote.

The Shire’s Meeting Procedures Local Law 2015 provides that it may be resolved that a person who is not an elector of the local government can participate in the discussion of the meeting. Attendees who are unable to demonstrate their eligibility to vote to the satisfaction of the Shire Officer will have the opportunity to sit in on the meeting as an observer.

Those attendees eligible to participate in the meeting will be provided with a mechanism to register their vote.

What are the rules of conduct?

All attendees must be fair and respectful before, during and after the meeting. Similarly, all council members and Shire Officers are to abide by the relevant Code of Conduct.

The presiding member shall decide to accept or reject any written question or motion. Where there is any concern about a question or motion being offensive, defamatory or the like, the presiding member will make a determination. Questions or motions determined as offensive, defamatory or the like will not be published. 

Furthermore, there will be no adverse reflection on council members or Shire employees, and should this occur, the statement or question will be ruled out of order and the elector will be asked to resume their seat. The presiding members decision is final.

What is the process for asking questions?

Whilst the use of the Electors’ Meeting Questions and Motions Submission Form (available above) is encouraged, questions may be provided in any written format and additional forms may be completed if required. 

A 15 minute period is set aside for questions. It is at the discretion of the presiding member to determine if this period will be extended by a maximum of two 15 minute periods.

The presiding member will invite attendees to ask their question and questions are presented to the meeting in order of receipt with priority given to those received at least two business days prior to the meeting.  Where questions are materially the same, the presiding member may determine that it not be responded to. Time permitting, the presiding member may consider further questions from the floor.

Questions asked at electors’ meetings must relate to a matter within the remit of the Shire of Mundaring. The procedure for questions asked at electors' meetings are included in the Elector's Meeting Information Sheet.

Electors will be offered an opportunity to ask two questions. Thereafter electors will be offered another opportunity to ask further questions once all electors have been provided an opportunity to raise questions and time permitting.

Questions and any response will be summarised and included in the minutes of the annual General Electors’ Meeting.

What is the process for submitting motions?

Whilst the use of the Electors' Meeting Questions and Motions Submission Form is encouraged, motions may be provided in any written format. Additional forms may be completed as required. Motions are presented to the meeting in order of receipt with priority given to those received at least two business days prior to the meeting. Motions may also be presented at the meeting which will be considered after the written submissions time permitting.

A 60 minute period will be set aside for motions. It is at the discretion of the presiding member to determine if this period will be extended by a maximum of two 15 minute periods.

The presiding member will invite attendees to move their motion in order of receipt. Time permitting, the presiding member may consider further motions from the floor.

The procedure for motions moved at electors' meetings are included in the Elector's Meetings Information Sheet.

Each elector present at the meeting is entitled to one vote on each matter to be decided, but can choose not to vote. All decisions are to be made by simple majority. Secret voting is not permitted.

Electors will be offered an opportunity to move two motions. Thereafter electors will be offered another opportunity to move further motions after all other electors have been provided an opportunity to move a motion and time permitting.

All motions will be recorded in the minutes with the name and organisation (if applicable) of the mover and seconder. 

How are decisions recorded?

In accordance with section 5.33 of the Local Government Act 1995 all passed motions (decisions) made at an electors’ meeting are to be considered at the next ordinary council meeting or, if that is not practicable; at the first ordinary council meeting after that meeting; or at a special meeting called for that purpose, whichever happens first. Decisions are not binding.

View the Electors Meeting Decisions and Actions Register below, including their consideration and follow up by Council. 

Where do I find minutes of previous Electors' meetings?

 The minutes of previous annual and special electors' meetings are available on the Shire's website under Council Meetings, Agendas and Minutes.

For more information

For more information about Electors Meetings please contact us.