Local Biodiversity and Watercourse Hierarchy Strategies adopted

Published on Monday, 17 April 2023 at 9:43:08 AM

Shire of Mundaring Council adopted the Local Biodiversity and the Watercourse Hierarchy Strategies at its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 11 April.

These strategies will play a key role in sustaining the natural environment which also underpins the health and wellbeing of our community.  Shire President James Martin said he was pleased with the outcomes highlighted in both environmental strategies.

 “Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the strategies and provided their feedback to the Shire,” he said.

 “The insights and ideas shared by the community on both strategies helped us improve our focus on the issues and actions addressed in both documents." 

“The feedback has allowed us to explore several additional opportunities within the Local Biodiversity Strategy.  It also identified the need for the Shire to advocate for the State and Commonwealth Governments to fund more science-based environmental restoration programs."  

The development of the Watercourse Hierarchy Strategy also informed elements of the Local Biodiversity Strategy, in particular wildlife corridor mapping that includes major watercourses. Through the Wildlife Corridor Network, important connections between local nature reserves and larger regional national parks are maintained to ensure wildlife can move through connected landscapes. ­­This is important to ensure genetic diversity and population recovery after fire and also allows for pollination and seed dispersal to maintain plant diversity. 

Cr Martin said the links between both strategies means the Shire would have an integrated approach to managing the health and wellbeing of its local environment.

 “As the Shire implements the two strategies, community members are encouraged to continue to be active participants in the ongoing efforts to enhance and sustain the biodiversity and clean water resources in the shire,” he said. 

“By working together, we can ensure that our local environment remains healthy, vibrant and diverse for generations to come.”

 Both documents are available to view here"

Local Biodiversity Strategy 2023 - 2030

Watercourse Hierarchy Strategy

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