Published on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 at 5:15:09 PM
Shire of Mundaring has awarded eight Matching Grants and 10 Community Event Grants in round one of its Community Funding Program.
A total $43,863.09 will be disbursed amongst recipients to enable them to deliver a range of community services, events and initiatives over the coming months.
Shire President James Martin said he was impressed with the quality of the submissions received.
“Christmas Carols, a family fun day, bush dance, sports and music festivals and a centenary celebration are a few of the exciting events the Event Grant funding will help local community groups to deliver,” he said.
“The Matching Grant funding will provide support for various clubs and groups for equipment, promotional items and infrastructure.”
Mundaring Chamber of Commerce Biggest Long Table Event
A notable inclusion in this round of community grants will see a number of long table events hosted across multiple venues.
The brainchild of members of the Mundaring Chamber of Commerce, the initiative aims to connect business and community in the shire.
Several long table dinners will be held on the same night, with people having the option to sign up and host their own event or dine at a long table event in the shire.
Parkerville Tavern, Café Mojo, Darlington Estate, Mundaring Hotel and the Lounge at Amaroo Retreat are a few local businesses earmarked to host events.
Chamber President Naomi Fuller said the vision for the event is multi-faceted to enhance tourism, social connection and inclusivity.
“The event will provide networking opportunities for our members while also encouraging patrons to shop, buy and dine local,” she said.
“The $5000 grant from the Shire will help to launch the pilot project and equip us to support both business and other stakeholders in delivering this ambitious initiative.
“We estimate there are at least 22 individual hamlets in our shire and we want the long table event to be hosted in as many of these as possible.”
“We envisage that local business will benefit from this project through a ‘support local/buy local’ approach.”
“For instance, the Mundaring Garden and Farmers Market would be a great opportunity for sourcing outstanding produce from local suppliers”.
Visit the Mundaring Chamber of Commerce website to find out more and learn how to get involved.
View all round one grant recipients
Chidlow Progress Association for the Chidlow Community Christmas Carols event.
Darlington History Group to celebrate the centenary of the Darlington Village Hall.
First Friends Playgroup to host a Messy Play and Family Fun Day.
Glen Forrest Christmas Gathering (auspiced by Glen Forrest Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade) to hold the annual Glen Forrest Christmas Gathering.
Glen Forrest Primary School Parents & Citizens Association to hold a school and community bush dance.
Glen Forrest Residents & Ratepayers Association to hold the ninth Day in the Forrest music festival.
Mundaring Chamber of Commerce to host the Mundaring’s Biggest Long Table event, encouraging people to ‘buy local’.
Parkerville Junior Cricket Club to hold a Community Cricket Festival.
Swan View Community Association to hold the Swan View Carols by Candlelight.
Glen Forrest Community Garden to celebrate the garden’s 10th anniversary.
First Friends Playgroup to upgrade its kitchen facilities including purchase of a new fridge and benchtop oven.
Glen Forrest Cricket Club to purchase shade tents for spectator sun protection.
HorsePower Hills to purchase a new hippotherapy horse for use in its programs.
Mundaring Junior Football Club to purchase tablets to run GameDay software.
Mundaring Primary School Parents & Citizens Association to resurface the basketball courts at the school.
Mundaring Toy Library for board games and signage.
Parkerville Playgroup for garden development.
Eastern Hills Netball Association for a promotional banner.
About the Shire’s Community Grants Program
Visit the Community Grants Program Page to learn more.
Image caption (from left): Charlotte Van der Burgt (Executive Officer), Naomi Fuller (President) and Mel Kenworthy (Secretary) from the Mundaring Chamber of Commerce visiting Café Mojo to explore options for the upcoming long table event.
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